
5e metal shape magic
5e metal shape magic

5e metal shape magic

The thing you create can be something that is worth no more than 100 gp. The creation is completed at the end of the hour, coalescing in an unoccupied space of your choice on a surface within 5 feet of you. You conduct an hour-long ritual that crafts a nonmagical item that must include some metal: a simple or martial weapon, a suit of armor, ten pieces of ammunition, a set of tools, or another metal object (see chapter 5, “Equipment,” in the Player’s Handbook for examples of these items). Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to create simple items.

5e metal shape magic

Their Channel divinity lets them transmute any valuable metal into another. Using this method you should be able to consistently make an abundance of the desired alloy in between long rests.

5e metal shape magic

Of course the cheaper the metallic alloy you're aiming for, the easier time you will have using this method. Since "size" isn't equivalent to "volume", and density is another thing entirely, you just need a total mass equivalent to the metallic alloy you are aiming for as well as the original item(s) to cost at least equal to the metal you need. You can Transmute a non magical object(s) no larger than a 5ft cube into another non magical object bearing the same size and mass and of equal or lesser value if you spend 10 minutes handling the object. Once that same Wizard reaches 14th level, and only able to cast no higher than 7th level spells, it gains the ability to destroy the above mentioned Transmuter's Stone to use up the store of magic to permanently cause a 'Major Transformation'. You must spend 8 hours to create the stone and the stone in question can have various properties that it bestows to the holder. Here's one way how you can accomplish this through transmutation alone, and without the use of level 9 spells, before you can even cast level 8 spells.Ī 6th level Wizard, who is of the Transmutation School gains a nifty little ability to create a Transmuter's Stone. While the examples given don't do what you want, they are not definitive. Slightly more hazardous than raising chickens.Ī Trick (DMG p.298) The example trick (17-19) says "Changes one substance to another, such as gold to lead or metal to brittle crystal". However, as a monstrosity (MM p.7) it is DM's call if they breed or not. " so start with a breeding pair and wait. Gorgon breeding (MM p.171) "Its body is covered in iron plates. So for metal you need to find something of the same density (more or less) and more expensive than the end result - good luck with that. Major Transformation (PHB p.119) A 14th level Transmuter can destroy their Transmuter's stone to cause a Major Transformation which would allow an object up to a 5ft cube to be turned into another object of the same size and mass and of equal or lesser value. There are no magic items in the Dungeon Master's guide with this effect.There are no spells in the Player's Handbook with this effect.Until the object is completely warped, it suffers no ill effects.You can't prove a negative, however, in searching the books for the word "metal": You can combine multiple consecutive castings of warp metal to warp (or unwarp) an object that is too large for you to warp with a single casting. Make whole, on the other hand, does nothing to repair a warped item. A Medium object counts as two Small objects, a Large object as four, a Huge object as eight, a Gargantuan object as 16, and a Colossal object as 32.Īlternatively, you can unwarp metal (effectively warping it back to normal) with this spell. You can warp one Small or smaller object or its equivalent per caster level. A warped melee weapon imposes a –4 penalty on attack rolls. A vehicle grinds to a halt and ceases to operate. A warped door springs open (or becomes stuck, requiring a successful Strength check to open, at your option). You cause metal to bend and warp, permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. Saving Throw Will negates (object) Spell Resistance yes (object) Targets 1 Small metal object/level, all within a 20-ft. School transmutation Level bloodrager 4, cleric 4, druid 4, medium 4, occultist 4, psychic 4, sorcerer/wizard 4 Home > Magic > Spells (Paizo, Inc.) > W > Warp Metal

5e metal shape magic