Therefore, we have established offices in major markets across Europe, the US and APAC. We believe real estate is an intrinsically local asset class that requires on the ground knowledge and networks to provide superior investment opportunities. Since then, our business has grown steadily, expanding the universe and scope of our real estate investments and adopting a truly diversified business model. We have been investing in real estate for around 80 years, having launched our first real estate fund as early as 1943. We offer our product capabilities on a global, regional and country basis and through open- and closed-end private funds, REITs, customized investment structures, multi-manager funds, individually managed accounts and real estate securities. Our Real Estate business actively manages real estate investments of approximately USD 98 billion globally across the major real estate sectors, making it one of the largest real estate managers worldwide, offering both equity and debt investment opportunities. Investments that provide a steady source of income while offering appreciation capabilities that historically has approximated the rate of inflation. We maintain leasing strategies that separate the operational and commodity pricing risks of farming from our investments in the land. Portfolios are diversified geographically and across land used in the production of 25 different row, vegetable and permanent crops. Portfolio and investment strategies maintain representative exposure to the universe of farmland investments while exploiting pricing inefficiencies across local markets. Our key professionals operate a network of contacts developed through the years across all prime agricultural regions of the US. Our multi-disciplined organization offers expertise in the acquisition, asset management, valuation and disposition of all types of farmland properties. REPM offers over 25 years of farmland investment management experience. A component that not only enhances risk-adjusted returns through meaningful diversification but also provides a strong hedge against inflation.

We firmly believe that carefully selected and well-structured investments in farmland provide a solid and rewarding component of a well-designed portfolio.

The Real Estate business is most active in the United States, Europe, Japan and Australia. In February 2003, UBS Asset Management separated its real estate businesses in various regions from its traditional investments business and combined them into the Real Estate platform. In January 2001, the existing US real estate advisory business of UBS Asset Management, serving non-US clients, was integrated into UBS Realty Investors LLC. In 1999, UBS acquired Allegis Realty Investors LLC and its name was changed to UBS Realty Investors LLC. In June 1996, Aetna Life Insurance Company sold its real estate investment advisory management business to Allegis Realty Investors LLC, an entity comprised of senior management and a Massachusetts-based venture capital company. UBS Realty Investors LLC, formerly Allegis Realty Investors LLC, is the successor organization to the real estate investment advisory business of Aetna Realty Investors, Inc. UBS AgriVest LLC is a registered investment advisor specializing in the acquisition, management and disposition of US agricultural real estate investments for institutional clients. UBS Realty Investors LLC has two subsidiaries, UBS AgriVest LLC and a limited-purpose broker-dealer.
Asset real estate management registration#
Please note that registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. UBS Realty Investors LLC and its predecessors have been registered with the SEC as an investment advisor under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, since January 5, 1994. UBS Realty Investors LLC is organized as a limited liability company and is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as an investment advisor. Our Real Estate - US properties business operates through UBS Realty Investors LLC, a subsidiary of UBS AG.