After the explosion, he took the Master's cloth stripe as a memento and decided to use Kung Fu against the crime, becoming the best cop in the world and naming himself the Kung Fury. Kung Fury threw the ninja in the air, jumped after him and threw him right into the oil truck. Then he hit the Kung Fu master, so he was sent flying into the wall and understood, that the officer is the chosen one. When the cop woke up he saw the ninja running towards him and felt the mutation of his body. There was a prophecy about the new form of Kung Fu, that only the chosen Kung Fury can master it. After that, he got the flashback of Ancient Shaolin. When they finally arrested him, Dragon encouraged his partner, telling, that he was the best partner he ever had, but then, ninja killed the Dragon and when another cop was about to shoot him, he got stroked by lightning and bitten by cobra. Years ago he was the simple Miami cop, once he was chasing the ninja with his partner Dragon. After that, Kung Fu fight started between them and sometime later, Kung Fury finally won and exploded the Arcade by shooting.Īfter this Kung Fury told his backstory. When he found the Arcade, it was about to kill the dog, but he jumped off the car, started to shoot into Arcade and it let the dog go. He destroyed the phone in anger, said his surprised wife, that he's gonna do his job and jumped into his Lamborghini Countach. It was the scared Police Officer informing Kung Fury about Arcade Machine. In the pagoda-like building Kung Fury with his wife were enjoying the whine, when they hear the phone ringing. Moments later Police Officers arrived to the scene and one of them called the backup of Kung Fury, before getting killed. Arcade kills one of them and jumps off the building, starting to kill random citizens. Meanwhile, in the Arcade two men are playing Laser Unicorns arcade, one of them loses and smashes it, causes it to get angry and to transform into the mecha. Later, near the Arcade one of thugs kills one guy to steal his bombox. The Police Patrol Officer meets some thugs with guns and when he asked them about permit for it, they sent his car flying with a skateboard and blown it up with shooting.