Follow the instructions on your test kit to check the levels of ammonia, nitrates, and oxygen in your water. A freshwater master test kit will let you test for anything in the water that might be making your fish sick, and should be available from your local pet store. Use a freshwater test kit to test the water in your tank. It could be another, more aggressive fish in the same tank, or it may be your fish rubbing against something to try and scratch a parasite.
#Telescope goldfish missing one eye skin#
If you notice any small red marks on your fish or any spots in its skin without scales, something is hurting your fish. Make sure your fish isn’t bleeding or missing any scales.Black spots might mean that your goldfish has ammonia burn or some type of parasite. If any part of your fish’s fins seems to be disappearing, it could a sign of fin rot. Make sure the fins are at their full length and not starting to shrink or deteriorate into a stump.This is normally a sign of stress or could be an indicator that there is another fish in the tank that is bullying them. Look at your goldfish’s fins for any tearing or red veins that are bulging out.Here are a few things to look out for: X Research source Watch your fish as they swim around, and see if you can get a close look at their scales and fins. If you watch your fish often, you should have a rough idea of what they should look like. Take a close look at your goldfish's fins and scale.